Google Searches, and the End of Polite Society
When asked recently by Ice Queen if I google ex-boyfriends, I answered an enthusiastic "yes, always". That raised a suspicious eye brow here at home. The Hubby doesn't understand why anyone would do that. I explained that my snooping transcends old romances - I google former employees/bosses, school mates, family members, and friends - one of whom has a penchant for writing letters to city council, it seems (go to last paragraph)! Google searches on The Hubby come up empty, which could be both a good and a bad thing.
Unfortunately, I rely on google searches far too often. Google has replaced conversation and dumped dust on my dictionary. They said the computer would be the end of us, and they were right - whoever "they" are. That's a conversation for another day - "them". My point is, in the olden days, one would phone up and say "Hi, I don't know if you remember me, but I used to date your son and I'm wondering where he is these days." Now it's all secret and sneaky and anonymous, and oh so fun - except when you come up empty handed. Google does it all for me. I never need to talk to anyone ever again.
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