Friday, March 21, 2003

If War and Oscar Winners Won't Fill Your Weekend...Consider Renting:
-Moonlit Mile. It's Ordinary People for GenX, but not as good. It's loosely based on a true story, has a great cast, and a super performance by Susan Sarandon, who I love love love. We both liked it, perhaps because of the rockin' soundtrack.
-Blood Work. Yep, I'm endorsing a Clint Eastwood movie. Great story. Of course we figured it out before the end, but that's 'cuz we're SMRT.
-The Ring. I didn't catch all of it, because I kept hiding under the blanket. What I did see was ridiculous, and not in a good way.
-The Badge: Billy Bob Thornton is very skilled at portraying dispicable men. This time, he's in a town full of them. Thow in some lesbian strippers, some trans-gender types, and you got yerself one spicy Louisiana story.
-X vs. Sever (sp?): Blech. Shoot Bang Boom. Dick Flick. Sole redeeming factor: filmed in Vancouver.
-The Banger Sisters: Chick Flick. To reduce effects of X vs. Sever, watch Goldie Hawn. Easy entertainment. I especially liked their Rock Cock collection of photographs. Most hilarious parts - any scene with Geoffrey Rush. Worst parts - any scene with Susan Sarandon in those pants.