Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The thing I did the other night with, you know, those ladies, up at that place... by the subway

On Saturday evening I met up with 21 wonderful women to share dinner and to catch Sandra Shamus's performance. It's hard to say which was more fun - dinner or the show. I wish that both had lasted longer! Of the 21, I only knew two of the women, but I now have 19 new friends. We drank a lot of wine, and byjaysus, we laughed. The dinner bill was $880. Do the math; it's not that bad.

Sandra Shamus, if you haven't caught her act before, was wickedly funny. Well, mostly funny. Frankly, I'm a little young for her menopause schtick (just to repeat, I'm young, I'm young, I'm young), but perhaps now I can face what's ahead with the same humourous outlook that she has. Yeah, sure I can. In her routine, Shamus says that the first sign of menopause is when you "lose your nouns," and that's already happened to me. Did you see the thing with that guy with that, that, uh, thing on his head? No, not that... it was a, uh, white thing... HAT! That's it! Did you see it? The thing with the guy with the hat! Why are you looking at me like that? It's crystal clear to me.

As we made our way out of the theatre, my sister in law gave a happy sigh, linked her arm through mine and said, "Do you want a drag of my... my... this, uh... smoking thingy?" I thought we would fall into the street we were laughing so hard.